Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Surfing the net; heard from the muttons that David Cook released his latest Single - Light On
It not bad, but it didnt attract me like when Archuleta's Crush first came out.
But overall- Not bad(;
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bUKjhRgsNsMaths was okay, easier than the past year papers i'd been doing, at least those subjects that kills the brain cells are over.
History, Chinese, Lit.
Its Almost Over.
Hold On.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Science was SCREWWED. it was a killer.
Section A was still fine, Section B & C was like hell. i didnt know how to do most of the qns.
Verdict= Most likely to
FAIL.luckily i only need 15% from the 40% to pass(;
Geography saved my day. It wasnt too tough to spoil my day, i think its muchhh easier compared to science.
Verdict= Can pass(;
Maths tomorrow & i just woke up from a 2-hour sleep. Not too worried about it compared to me panicking on Sunday, fretting over science.
Anyway, think positive - 3 papersdown.4subjectstogo.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Tomorrow is Science & Geography Exam and guess what?
I slacked the WHOLE day today. im seriously screwweedddd
even the screw driver cant screw me back :(
Perhaps ill just fail & get kicked out from school huh.
I think I'm giving up.
Today Cathecism is AWESOME. My group roccked out(;
Little WondersLet it go,let it roll right off your shoulder,Don't you know, the hardest part is over,let it inLet your clarity define you in the endYou will only just remember how it feelsLet it slide, let your troubles fall behind you let it shineTill you feel it all around youAnd I don't mind, if it's me you need to turn to, we'll get byIt's the heart that really matters in the end.countdown to science& geog exam - 1 day.countdown to maths exam- 2 dayscountdown to freedom- 8 days.
Friday, September 26, 2008
okay, today had all
FREE Periods. How awesome huh!
Art(2 periods)- Free
Lit- Free
Apparently i was supposed to study but i didnt. i wasted like 4 hours(; was Singing during the WHOLE art lesson.
Oh yeah, to lynette -
HAPPY 13TH BIRTHDAY(; (you're supposed to see this only tmr)Hope you enjoyed the card made by your ''parents'' and i owe your present first k ?May God Bless & Loves(;Lynette got creamed, en ping got choco-fied, valerie got wet, what else ? i cant remember .
cant wait for it to come. gosh, im so excited!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

There are many things to say.
First- English Exam is just Tomorrow & i havent revised yet:x im screweedd!
Second- Steven Strait is hottt. gossshhh but he's 22. but still, theres a saying '' age doesnt matter!''
Third- School was super fun today(;
Firstly -Pe-en, SOCCERRR. damn fun we beat 1e6 9-4or 5(:
2nd period - geog was okay, but i didnt understand anything at all:x
3rd period - chinese was slacckkk.
recess - skipping (but i didnt skip, for fun only)
Maths- did my geog revision.
Music - ZAZU. aha, watched lion king, its been a longlong time since i watched lion king, now i know why that used to be my favourite disney cartoon.
Oral Comms- One word - FUNNY(;
Countdown to Exams : 1 day.
Monday, September 22, 2008
50th post(;
How to say goodbyeTell me when the time we had slipped away
Tomorrow turned to yesterdayA
nd I don't know how
Tell me what can stop this river of tears
It's been building up for years
For this moment now
Here I standArms open wide
I've held ya close
Kept ya safe
Till you could fly
Tell me where the road ahead is gonna bend
And how to harness up the wind
And how to say goodbye
Tell me why
Why does following your dreams
Take you far away from me
And I knew that it would
Tell me how to fill the space you left behind
And how to laugh instead of cry
And how to say goodbye
Here I stand
Arms open wide
I've held ya close
Kept ya safe
Till you could fly
Tell me where the road ahead is gonna bend
And how to harness up the wind
And how to say goodbye.
Michael W. Smiths songs are great, best to play it when revising:D
(Watch the video i put in) great song!
these day im getting more holy i guess(;
Revising Geog now, trying to concentrate.
Oh yeah. To trudy ; dont worry about my uniform , its okay. You wasted your time by writing the sorrys! Use the time for studying.
Countdown to English: 2 days.
Sunday, September 21, 2008

Its been AGES since I last blogged.
My skin is somehow screwed up again, ahhh;x
so i decided to change it(:
FYEs is on Wednesday and i pratically havent done any revision ;( Its scary to see how hard people study and how they stress themselves up, but i guess thats better than a slacker like me ?
I think ill start studying for my Science first, than Geog, theres no way I can study english, perhaps read more compos and study the structure i guess, 3 days to Fyes.
Thats really really fast, time really flies doesnt it ?
Guess will be only blogging after Exams.
those who are utterly stressed right now, pray to God that he'll guide you along the way.
good luck(;
tsk; ''Suppose'' by Secondhand Senerade is really nice(;
One night a man had a dream.
He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the Lord.
Scenes from his life flashed across the skyand he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand,one belonging to him and the other to the Lord
When the last scene of his life had flashed before him,he recalled that at the lowest and saddest times of his lifethere was only one set of footprints.
Dismayed, he asked,
"Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you,you'd walk with me all the way.
I don't understand why, when I needed you most,you would leave me."
When the last scene of his life had flashed before him,he recalled that at the lowest and saddest times of his lifethere was only one set of footprints.
The Lord replied, "My precious child.
I love you and I would never leave you.
During your times of trial and sufferingwhen you saw only one set of footprints...
That was when I carried you."
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
nice date today, but not a very nice day;x
10/09/08, isnt that nice?
pee's sick, hope she gets well soon if not im losing a gay partner :l
today is going to be a short post to those who are sick, get well soon(;
and those who are stressed out on FYEs, relax a little you'll do better with a relaxed mind;]
You only get one life to work it
So who care if it's not perfect
You gotta scream until there's nothing left
With your last breath
Monday, September 8, 2008
Welcome to Term Four?2-3 Weeks of Exams and we're free(;Always think the positive.Today changed places and sat in index no. , so yep, im right infront :xAnyway, this world is so small, lianne's friend knows my pri friend(;so now i can pass letters to her.Legacy was boring, did my eng hmkScience, proud to announce that i offically listened to the tcher and i didnt fall asleep(1st time in her lessons)History, that was the time i fell asleep:D-Recessed with the other four piesChinese was jokes time!Vanessa A Chinapongse(don't know whether spelled correctly)was super duper funny(; and i told a really really really lame joke!Maths was umm.. ?Eng was quite slack, read the Straits times(;Summary-glad i didn't fall asleep(;
Thursday, September 4, 2008

The YELLOW Shirt i wore (; (Colette''s)
Raffles beat us today 21-5, 21-14 :x
First set totally got trashed by them. Wore the yellow Badminton tee today and Colette wore the blue.
Made manymany mistakes:x once,i served too high, than the rg girl smashed and the shuttle hit my head:l, guess i was too tall. the umpire was damn nice, she was mouthing'' are you fine?'' then guess what ? like a dumb person i said '' uhh, ok '' and continue rubbing my head like a total idiot.
The rg girls was nice(; very friendly, when she hit my head, she was like '' I'm really sorry''. was'nt disapointed, but colette was, she was so tensed during the match .
Anyway, we met our target of reaching the 3rd round( rnd of 16)
Started with( rnd of 64), which meant 64 pairs .
Many Xinmin girls came to support Yan Qing and Trilene and they cheered for us too. w/o them, there was really no one we knew. Yan qing's draw was really difficult, they had to play against Singapore badminton school, than the china girl after gaining 1 point, she always shouts, so irritating. Yan Qing was super funny, after she won one point, she shouted at the china girl! ( usually she doesnt shout)
Anyway good job to all and thanks to all who been cheering for us!
En Ping, Trudy, June, Xinmin girls, etc
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

2 down, next one to go. rgs, yepp, its rgs, our next opponent.
Ang Mo Kio Sec - 21-6, 21-5
St Margarets - 21-11, 21-12
Out of five pairs, we're the last one left in this tournament. Perhaps its because of the easier draw? Our seniors got really tough draws but they put up a great fight(; all the way tk!
We have already reached our target of making it to the third round, no matter whats the score in the next game, we'll do our best. Win or lose, doesnt matter when you give your best shot right?
Joey and Shu Han's game was really close, 21-19,21-19 . Yan qing said they could have won but they played really well against andersons.
Anyway, i havent started doing any revision at all, tomorrow waking up arnd 7 to start my revision,my match is at 2pm. tution cancelled for tmr, at least a breather from maths? haha, start on my homework than revision.
okay, got to start doing my report already.
"The best way to predict your future is to create it."
~ Unknown
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Yesterday was the 1st round of the cheers tournament, colette/ I beat Ang Mo Kio Secondary 21-6 , 21-5.
Trudy/ Sara beat Beatty 21-14 , 19-21, 24-22 ( First match on court 3)
It took like decades before it was our turn, gosh, and i was super nervous.
In the morning about 8.15am, trudy asked me to accompany her and sara to the toilet, and guess who i saw?
SHARU, my pri sch badminton senior! hahah, i stared at her and she stared at me, and i finally said " OMG, SHARU!'' haha, and behind her was Mei jun! gosshhh, i couldnt recognise;x
Anyway, saw jocelyn and she was playing against Yvonne/ Hui Nee.
So 2 matches after they played, it was our turn! haha, but after 14 mins it was all over, the empire was very nice(;
Tomorrow's match against St Margarets, Hope we can win:x
* Thanks to all those who wished us luck!