won't really have time to post these few days, but ill try (;
thank you desi for the wonderful pictures of the PIES ;D
Pictures speaks a thousand words !
mann, those pics really brought us back in time , i could see dino's hair;D before dinos went extinct (;
i didnt post yesterday due to the hectic schedule i got, anyway it was the last day of school ;x
the day we got the BOOKLIST.
i would just like to say a BIG THANK YOU to all who appeared in my sec one life, good or bad ; i really Thank you guys, thank you for everrythinngg!
thethelastlastdaydayofofschoolschoolforforsecseconeone-23 october o8'

70th post
2nd part of the dedications
to all one seveners ;
time has really flew past us like a 'swoosh' ,i really don't know what super powers the clock has right ?
okay, firstly, i would like to say , thank you for being such an awesome class.
you guys are seriously bonded, & you did made me feel like a sevener, it was easy to bond in, when i thought i would have a ultra hard time slipping into the class. Although i took a longer time, it was well worth it i would say xD
although there are some conflicts in class, its perfectly normal cause without conflicts, we wouldn't be a class uhh?
i remembered the first person in one seven to talk to me was juliette, thanks(;
i was so afraid because at that moment, i thought that Sara , Kelly & Nicole & Ruth was quadruples or something.
they seriously looked all alike.
my first seat in the class i sat with Tajpreet; gosh, shes weirdly funny. i meant at first i couldnt make out what she was saying at all. i didnt hear a single word she spoke, sorry about that tajpreet;D
Thank you gloria for teaching me manymany subjects (even though i didn't understand due to my pea brain) & being an awesome chairman ;D btw, the classroom was damn nice (;
once again , Thank you. Oh yeah ( rmbr the parn joke i made fun of ?
Thank you muriel for always being the fiery one, bullying the tallies & seeking rights for shorties ; tsk (she's muchmuch stronger than she looks)
Thank you Suzanne for being my singing partner & your testing of humanities & sharing of nice songs, or i should say;your my music partner:D
Thank you Kelly for taking the initiative to introduce yourself at my first lesson with 1/7, which was P.E & being the tall friend who the sh__rt ones always bully.
Thank you lastly; my CRAPPY; BIMBOTIC AHLIAN ; TWEETWEE ; crapper in crime ; dearest PEE or ah-LIANne seow wen ying
Thank you for being such a crappy person, you cheered me up , you made me angry ;x hehe.
Thank you for your superduper fantastic playing & always doing some impromtu crapping & you are so outgoing& fun , i look forward to continue our crap next year.
Thank you Safiah for your weird antics & wonderful cheerleading ideas, you were simply - Great & creative , hope you'll think of a better one next year;D
I love cheerleading practices, it was enjoyable , i rmbr we came up with the dance moves a day before the auditions ?
Thank you seveners for the wonderful friendship we've made.
Fun, joy, frustrations , anger we've been through.
Hope that we can keep up the good work next year & good luck & all the best ;D
Lets do well both in physical stuff & in our studies.
And as we always say; Seven Up NEVER down !
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

gosh, tomorrow's going to be the last day of school.
time really flies
doesn't it ?
It might seem like im leaving the school or smth, but just want to thank you guys;D
some dedications to the past learning year (part one)
To the pies ;You guys had always been an important part to play while i was adapting to the school.
We had fun & sadness, tears & joy. there was one period of time where i remember events just kept popping up one after another, but until now, we're still as one!
We fell out, we made up.
We laugh together , cry together.
We went through alot didnt we ?
We made fun of each other (
tsktsk, esp the sh___ ones ;D) , scared each other with some stupid ghost stories.
We made fun of someone surname ;l Someone called me John
Travolta, People strangled each other.
Made Fun of Voices, make fun of
someone's height , someone filled her stomach with burps , someone who love balls who's overproctective of it as she is known to have only one, someone who's the SONG goddess who has gazillions of songs , some macho ball goddess, someone who's a parrot & squacks alot,some talkative freak,
someone's doratheexplorer who's scared of
ghoststories & who has difficulty pronouncing SEMBAWANG& TANAHMERAHi really miss
orientation, it didnt seem too long ago did it ?10 months flew by just like that , time really passes quickly, treasure the moments.i remember it all started with my random crap. In the beginning of the year ,colette added me and en ping to her convo & she called someone muffin & that person called hercupcake.So yeah, with crappy enping &my rubbished brain, thats where we got 'CUPCAKE & MUFFIN'than during tennis sst,i just faced desi & told her ''you are apple strudel , en ping's cupcake & christine, you're strawberry shortcake, and sarah was sweetie pie(original until we added the s's) & we shall call ourselves The Pie Family! ''and it all began.pies, thank you for everything, thank you for my unforgettable sec one life , thanks for joy&fun and the wonderful friendship we had.ill treasure it.orientation would be one of the most important of this secondarylife i went through.
our bond started there, and once again..
Thanks Pies;
Cupcake;Razzleberrypie;Applestrudel;bssssssp(i still dont know how many S's you have);pigpuff;rainbowsherbert;strawberryshortcake;gingersnaps;rmp
Monday, October 20, 2008
all we did in class today was ; Slack.
Yeah, slackedd.
had some inteligence quiz today, result was : im bodily/_____
so grouped together with muriel, BOOBFULLY syahirah & zanne.
the rest of the day was playing card games(tsktsk, including ___)
its been a real long time since i played stress, but not bad, i won ruth. heh.
got some talent in me ehh ?
theres still training tomorrow.
screwedit,screwedthat,screwedup.When it falls apart, and you’re feeling lostall your hope is gone, don’t forget toHold on
Sunday, October 19, 2008
okay, so now everyone is asking me to cheerup, i think my previous post was a little frightening; but thanks guys(;
Im fine.Trudy; your apology accepted, i accept your decision, please dont waste your time with the ''sorry stuff again''
Muriel ; Thanks alot ;D IMMM FINNEE.
Teocole ; yeah, that was super funny. -- censored---
Kelly ; okayy, at least im not alone right ?
Syahirah ; hey BOOBFUL.
Colette ; immm nnot changing my tagbox(;
darn, body aching again.
Where are your guts to flySoaring through, through the nightAnd if you take that last stepI'll follow youLeave the edge and flyWe're finally alive
Saturday, October 18, 2008
I was superduper pissed yesterday.
1st reason, trudy told me that she was not auditioning for DEP when she said she was, previously.
2nd reason, that freaking temp. tçher who marked our history paper who anyhow marked the paper! I was so pissed that i circled 8 qns for her to remark.
3rd reason , lianne's not joining DEP with me too.
i mean, not like i can get in, but at least try uhh?
I ignored trudy for most of the training yesterday, all the other baddy girls asked me to talk to her, but i didnt until much later, plus i ignored her for the whole bus ride.
Syahirah is superfunny, she kept calling me a boob-.- i bet shes hyperactive, she loves___ 's paunch(; she sat with me during lit & of course, i couldnt concentrate.
Stupiiiddd lorry(vanessa), kept calling me tata chan, now to whoollee class is calling me that ;(
oh yeah, everyone who sees abby, call her
Huang WEE WEE ; she loves that name.
Training was super tough, my whole body is aching now plus, my stamina dropped like mad.
- to all, i know my tagbox is sucky, but im lazy to change:D hehe.
i didnt get a freaking A for any of the subjects overall, i got all Bs. shuckkks.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
English was okay, i meant, compared to the cohort, it was okay.
But science was noottt. although loads of people failed, i could have failed any time, thanks to my careless mistakes, i minused over 5 marks on careless mistakes alone, uhh, stupid me.
having legacy now. ms tay allowed us to use the computer, woohoo.
she announced that our class were second in terms of section B alone! & when section A & B added up, we're
first in the whole level!
ROCK ON 1E7(;Oh yeah, highest in our class for maths was 95, there was a 94 too.
grats to syahirah and syafiqah, from remedial they got distinction!( best improvement )
grats to melissa that genius who topped our class for science with 86 marks.
grats to shirlyn for the super pro english marks!
however, when there is good news, they are also BAD ones.
There was one failure from our class for maths, and i think it meee. UGGHHH.
Im freaked out.
Thankyou Lord for granting me(;When my time comes Forget the wrong that I've done Help me leave behind some Reasons to be missed
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
okay, so suzanne said my post(deleted) was emo, so it shall be a happy one today!
BLOOB.BLUB.BLOSH.BOOMB.damn; this is lame. getting results tomorrow , science is known to be
FAILED.eng, illpraysuperhardtonight.
and yeah, desi you finally scared me; with the results thing.
BLOOPPER; i have nothing to post about :(
letmepostaboutsomethingmoreinterestingwouldyou?I hear your voiceAnd I start to trembleBrings back the child that, I resemble
Saturday, October 11, 2008
-blank, im screwed-Broken hearts and last goodbyes Restless nights but lullabies Helps make this pain go away I realize I let you down Told you that I'd be around Building up the strength just to say
Friday, October 10, 2008
Elearning offically sucks.
Maths- i got a fab score, 0%
Science was like umm, 11/15?
Hist, i printed it instead of submitting.
i finished elearning arnd 9.30 and i played games all the way.
Anyway, 6 days holiday & on wed, freedom's gone, i mean getting back results, confirm damn bad.
i think i got gastrics, stomach damn
paaiinnnn.post exams activities offically SUCKS.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
had some boring talks today but classroom makeover was fun!
we were actually behind schedule, but we managed to complete on time with 10-15 mins remaining after clean up.
luckily, we did the clearing up yesterday, so didnt have to rush :D
gloria's idea was awesome, it turned out better than i expected, the colour blocking wasn;t bad, but i thought it was plain(back wall) if not, it would be awesome too!
the people who did the front wall were professionals. They were finishing when the back wall people havent even started.
there was loads of excess paint.
took class photo, will upload it soon, im lazy to get my camera ;x
Operation Class Makeover; Sucess.
Monday, October 6, 2008
60th post
IM FREEE. free.. free..okay, i used the comp for 4 straight hours today, so eyes going to pop out alr;x
anyway, today was hilarious!(read desi's blog for info)
1st, during the break, we were talking about some random crapp until jayne said that she watch'' the ring'' on saturday & we got so excited on talking about horror movies so i told them about the show i watched on Star World, chnnl 18, which stopped showing alr.
Ghost hunters, where this group will search for evidence on presence of ''ghost'' using high equipped IT stuff. so the episodes i watched was one- they visited a old, rundown mad hospital that many died there, many events happened, if you want to know, APPROACH me(;
second- a lighthouse
damn freaky too.
what happened was they(en ping, desi, trudy, abby) screamed almost every part of the story.
jayne was kinda fascinated too(; the funny thing when i told them in the canteen, they screamed & everyone looked at them
when we moved to the void deck, they screamed too & again, everyone looked at them.
the lighthouse story- which included a STAIRCASE.
so aft desi heard that story, she was so scared that she didnt dare to climb the school's staircase and i kept joking and she believed . When one of them screams, the rest does.
they were pratically scaring themselves.
i bluffed desi that ''they/it'' attacks when we're in grps and she believed it, trudy added ''usually one would disappear from the group'' and guess what, their faces were super white, i mean desi looked freaked out, en ping looked super super scared, trudy was screaming every moment, abby was following them.
imagine people was staring at us, i was laughing and all of them were freaked out, that person must have thought i was MAD.
anyway, when en ping was standing beside her, desi didnt know en ping was there, and she screamed again, en ping also abit shocked so they screamed.
anyway, relax guys.
for chi exam, i was guessing the mcq & for lit, i was crapping. i exceeded the thing alot, supposed to write 1 and a half pages, i wrote 4:x i think im DEAD! ahah, anyway..
to Mep students: Good luck for tomorrow & do well (nehnehnibooboo)freedom: at my doorstep.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
first, some people are just so HARDWORKING (*stares at desi*)
i mean, she wrote out mindmaps for lit and i just finished going through the poem(;
Second, i dont know why i can sleep for 4 hours and wake up using the comp;p - didnt study at all.
tomyjuniors; dont ever follow me :D
third, exams is just tmr, so is freedom waving at me uhh.
i keep telling myself to study hard, but i dont! any suggestions?
pretty please?(;
countdown to exams- 1 daycountdown to freedom- 1 day.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
slack,slack, i bet im number one in this-SLACKING.
i just finished reading Sttd again(; havent done any chinese practice,
watched tv, surfed the net for supersuper long, slept, what else i havent done?
REVISION. that should be my piority but umm, i put it right at the back!
Monsoon by Tokio Hotel & Check Yes Juliet by We the Kings = AWESOME
totally recommended to those who havent heard..
i screwed up my cbox, as you can see- the writing box isnt visible ;p
okay, have to ''pretend'' to study ltr my parents stare at me again (;
Goodluck all!
countdown to exams & freedom - 2days!
Friday, October 3, 2008
2 more papers; 3& 1/2 hours-210 minutes
history wasn't as bad as i thought i would be (; gloria called me crazy & kiasu caused i wrote a whole page for one source based question. and i even asked ms tay for more paper. wrote about 8 pages for sections A and C, which was total CRAPP.
i mean i totally crapped, crammed whatever i could think of and just wrote i down, who cares ehh?
its over.
Chinese ppr 1was like- gone? i didnt even know what question i was writing about. i was supposed to write question 4 but midway, i realised that question 3 was more of what i was writing so i just changed the question(; i think i wrote out of point but its over, wooh.
Literature, Chinese ppr 2 - i guess i screw it up like i alway do.
Countdown to lit & chinese - Saturday, Sunday ,
MONDAY (3 days)
Countdown to freedom- 3 more days.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MURIEL!bear with it, and i'll may be able to do it.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
4 papers.
today had loads of time to study history, but as usual, I SLAACCKKED!
Predictable right? now i realised why people always said history was boring, i mugged for only an hour yesterday, but not bad, at least i finished 4 chapters(;
home econs was SCREWED. SCREWED.SCREWED. i think im trying for DEP next year, cant stand it anymoree .
the best thing was , during science lesson, ms ngo asked us whether we wanted to continue science lesson. and we were like ''what?!'' at first we thought she was joking, but she turned out to be serious. She said'' we could continue with moments of force..'' then everyone shouted ''we nvr bring our textbook'' shes damn funny(;
Chinese & history tmr, guess im failing chinese, but aiming quite high for hist.
So pratically, today was BORING.
geog- ms aliah wasnt in school, so free period
maths- ms tay brought us to comp lab to use the comp
el- free period
recess- siti told me she was taking part in cheers, GO SITI!
chinese - mr ng was going through format
legacy- IT resource rm , safiah, kelly, debbie, sara & I chatted for damn long.
Oh yeah, thanks Kelly for the Infomation of the history blog(;
''give credit when credit's due'' i guess it doesnt work in her league ?Next paper - Tomorrow