Sunday, November 30, 2008

december, welcome back;D

Well, this is the last day of
November, and the 1st week of
th November 2008, wow. time really flies doesnt it ? i mean in the beginning of the year, time just crawled by everyday. & when you're enjoying it, it just zooms past.
fascinating ? i think its weird at the same time. i guess science cant explain how time seems to 'fly' too.
Welcome December, last month of 2008.
wooaaah, come to think of it,
January to
November , 11 months, when it only seemed like six. okay, ill stop crapping about flying time. perhaps there will be a day when pigs can fly too;D
And yep,
Desi's totally right, pray that no war may break out,
that's just plain stupid. i mean, just because no country's willing to take the blame, a war breaks out and again, leads to ? -
definitely more death and suffering for the people. if this incident is pursued, it is also senseless, look, if a war breaks out, its because no one wants to take responsibility about the deaths. why cant some country just gather up the courage to take up the responsibility and just apologise, and learn from the mistake, the security was too lax
after all.
damn, these days people have no sense at all.
So call me by my name
And save your soul
Save your soul
Before your to far gone
Before nothing can be done.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
88th Post,darn, whats with the people these days ? have they got nothing better to do or i guess, they're plain out of their mind.
195 lives were lost. to mention, those were innocent lives; and they treated it like it was a game.
A recount of the incident that hostage gave ' They were laughing& joking when they fired, and the firing never seemed to end'
I hope that god may lead a way out for the rest of the hostages, bless them and keep them safe.
The singaporean victim who passed away was only 28, she was a lawyer. A Lawyer, how much time and how much effort she had to put in before she became one ?
The attackers were said to be under 25 and instead of killing innocent lives ; shouldnt they put their time into something else, if they wanted to, they could work for better lives for themselves i guess.
So god, bless their souls on those who passed , guide those in danger and lead them out safely and may god bless you all.
Oh yeah, suzanne, mumbai is not in thailand, remember that advertisment from M1
''Mumbai, India'' ; thats where i knew it too;X
So take me as You find me,All my fears and failures,Fill my life again.I give my life to followEverything I believe in,Now I surrender.
Friday, November 28, 2008

went out with half of the pies yesterday, was so glad that i had not lost my way! Hurrahh;D
met en ping, trudy and christine at kinokuniya and we walked gazillons of rounds before desi came. than we went to macs to eat( pictures at desi's blog , look at the amount of fries!)
then for no reason, desi started talking about celebrities, so it was selena gomez turn, desi said that hawaiians are asians because they have black hair, it was damn funny, so i told her, that means the elderly folks in Singapore arent asian because they have white hair!
i meant, isnt it true ? muahahha, i'm so 'factual' .
oh yeah, en ping was super funny too. when we were leaving macs, she wanted to ''accidentally spill sprite on trudy'' & guess what, it did land on trudy; and me-. and a caucasian behind us! so that guy just stared on ;x
watched madagascar II , the show was hilarious, but the funniest thing is that we entered the wrong cinema, i mean the signs were misleading plus there was 2 theatres, one door was open and i barely noticed there was another theatre(the door was closed). so we happily entered the theatres. i was staring at the seats because when we booked the seats, the arrangement was different.
So a knight in shining armour(the ticketing guy), actually it wasnt shining, the room was dark and he was wearing white thats all!
Ticketing Guy: What show are you watching
Us (Happily Answered) : Madagascar II
TG : Oh , you're in the wrong theatre!
Other People watching and listening at convo : (Snickers loudly)
and after that, they lived happily ever after! yeah, just joking.
We took neoprints and went home;D
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
You Are Ernie
Playful and childlike, you are everyone's favorite friend - even if your goofy antics get annoying at times.
You are usually feeling: Amused - you are very easily entertained
You are famous for: Always making people smile. From your silly songs to your wild pranks, you keep things fun.
How you live your life: With ease. Life is only difficult when your friends won't play with you!
giam asked me to do this test ; gawd it seems scarily true.
Monday, November 24, 2008
'If you could live forever, what would you live for ?'damndamn. the
TWILIGHT frenzy is coming back ;D omgosh, cant wait for it to be released in the theatres. i really actually hoped that Steven Strait would be the 'older jacob black' later part in the movie because Taylor Lautner still has that boyish boyish look, but he has a super nice personality! oh yeah desi, save you totally deserved to be #1 in the charts but womanizer by britney spears came in first-.
anyway, cook& archie's album came out already, saw it in gramaphone and they are both selling at the same price- $16.9o.
Oh star fall down on me
Let me make a wish upon you
Hold on, let me think
Think of what I'm wishing for
Saturday, November 22, 2008
simple plan - save you15th on mtv charts.Take a breath
I pull myself together
Just another step until I reach the door
You'll never know the way it tears me up inside to see you
Ooh Ooh
I wish that I could tell you something
Ooh Ooh
To take it all away
Sometimes I wish I could save you
And there's so many things that I want you to know I
won't give up til it's over
If it takes you forever I want you to know
When I hear your voice it's drowning in the whispers
You're just skin and bones
There's nothing left to take and no matter what I do I can't make you feel better
Ooh Ooh
If only I could find the answer
Ooh Ooh
To help me understand
Sometimes I wish I could save you
And there's so many things that I want you to know
I won't give up til it's over
If it takes you forever
I want you to know that
If you fall, stumble down I'll pick you up off the ground
If you lose faith in you I'll give you strength to pull through
Tell me you won't give up
Cause I'll be waiting if you fall you know
I'll be there for you
Ooh Ooh
If only I could find the answer
Ooh Ooh
To take it all away
Sometimes I wish I could save you
And there's so many things that I want you to know
I won't give up til it's over
If it takes you forever
I want you to know
I wish I could save you
I want you to know
I wish I could save you
Friday, November 21, 2008
okay, 1 week break from training, so if anyone wants to go out, i think im free next weeek;D
ost for twilight is by paramore - decode. saw the vid on mtv a few days ago ;D training wasn't too tough today, at least i escaped the running part, lucky me !
just woke up from my 4 hours 'afternoon nap' damn, am i a pig or what-.
How can I decide what’s right When you’re clouding up my mind? I can’t win you’re losing fight All the time
Thursday, November 20, 2008
god, physical is tough today.
had to run 5
rnds before training, and after training, another 5
rnds! ,
bleh; that makes it 10 rounds around
& the thing is, beginning, we we're given a target of 8 minutes to reach, all of us managed to, because we kinda had loads of energy before training. However, after training, we had to finish our 5
rnds 30s added to the time. e.g , my timing was 6
mins 22 seconds (before training) & after training, i had to complete the 5
rnds 6.22 + 30s = 6
mins 52 seconds, and if you
didnt make it , it meant.. RE-RUN-. yeah, luckily i did;D
pheeewww, but i think what we did was nth compared to the others they did on
Monday ;x
anyway, congrats to
Siti & Yvonne for making it to the 2
nd round of cheers, heard that
siti was damn pro !
good luck & all the best!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
19november08'Happy Birthday Colette (once again) !Hope you do well in your Cheers Singles against CHAO YIN/ YIN CHAO!
just do your best! winwinwin! ;D relax & dont give up , you were super tensed when we played the cheers doubles that time,
R-E-L-A-X .
& i bet you love me so much that you wrote my name twice under the list you '
love' haha! ( the desiree x7 is an exception)
oh yeah, continue the stupid & crappish burps & irritate desi more!
okok, all the best in the tournament &
HAPPY 13TH BIRTHDAY!& HAPPY WORLD TOILET DAY (stares at trudy)!-nettnett;D
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Happy Advanced 13th Birthday..
moomoo no.2 / melamine / joker 2. / cow / Burper1 /banana in pjs 2/ stroke partner/ doubles partner; Colette Tan Wan Xin;D
going to be thirTEEN alr huh, that means no more purple-brown & fairly odd parents cause your a TEEN;D
No more child privileges, woohoo. Actually, i didnt think you're that childish ; i thought you were super mature, well actually ,what can you expect from a 12 year old ;D
I owe you a treat to SWENSONZX ; dont forget ! & continue burping more each year you grow ;
Happy 13th BURP-DAY !
1 day to colette's birthday;D
Through the darkest of your days
If a great wave should fall
It would fall upon us all
Well I hope there's someone out there
To give us hope
Sunday, November 16, 2008
hasnt been very good these days,
dont know whats wrong ;x
btw ;sorry
colette for not being able to play in
Kason &
Csc competition & you have to play singles, SORRY ;l
Save me from myself, you can.And it's you and no one else.If I could wish upon tomorrow, Tonight would never end.If you asked me, I would follow.But for now, I just pretend.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
I think im cutting my hair short, just felt like.
Should I ?
as you see through lifeyou will see there is so much more that we don't understand& the only thing we knowis that things don't go the way we planned.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
boyyy, IM DEAD TIRED.have been training for the past 4 days w/o a break. tomorrow is finally my break so im finding time in between to blog. training is 4-5 times a week now , but we should treasure our moments in C div ! gosh, i really dont want to go up to B div, im sure i will not be able to take training ;(okay, i shall stop those moody training stuff but these days my schedule is wake up, use comp, go to training, come home, watch tv , sleep.yeah, its such a borrrring holiday. booo. pplus, my comp crashed so i have to use this spare one & my dad said all the stuff inside that comp would be cleared (yeah, including all the songs i have inside) so people, have to send me songs when i get back the comp;Dokay, having dinner soon so adios;D oh yeah, ill try to do the quiz when i have time & im not so tired, sorry!Waking the neighbors, unfamiliar facespleads though he triesBut he's only deniedNow he's dying to get inside
Friday, November 7, 2008
75th Post
gosh, david's archuleta songs are really nice, go & listtteeen;D
thanks for asking & my ear's better, you'll see me in training on monday ;l dont worry;D
Does not hurt already, just blocked ;x
I'm misssing the class outing again due to training. DARN.
You're in the darkThere's no one left to callWould even sleepCan't hide you from all those tearsAnd all the pain and all the daysYou wasted pushin' them awayIt's your life, it's time you face it
Thursday, November 6, 2008
SimplyInfected.Ear Infection since yesterday , was feeling
unconfortable for the whole yesterday & today was improving. it
didnt hurt as much as yesterday.
During training, i was having difficulty to hear what ms tan asked my to improve on, so most of the time i had to ask the people
arnd me & i guessed it was one of the most times i said 'what? ' .
Today was boring so i tried something stupid , i blasted my music on the `partially deaf ear & the sound was super soft and for no reason, i decided to put my earphones on for the other ear, i guess i forgot i blasted it and yep, i got a shock. The music was ..
DEAFENING, so i'm deaf now ?btw ; david arch got new songs;D not bad, quite calming;l
so go & listen;D !
his album is coming out on 11nov, not sure about sing. too.
Stop making plans, start making sense
Don't you believe any word they said
Sparked up, sparked up like a book of matches
Falling through the night
And rising from the ashes
Saturday, November 1, 2008

31 october.
Happy Belated Halloween;D
Hope you guys enjoyed the Bootastic day ;l
Goshh, Im spookeeeeddd...
Casper's off the hook !