Thursday, December 25, 2008

`dashing through the snow;
Merrymerry Christmas to all!
ahah, I'm still waiting for my presents;D
stayed up till 2 last night to watch movies, went for mass last night too.
currently watching water horse and just watched drumline-acted by nick cannon(awesome show, especially to band members) , its damn nice&sad;x
hmm, that means its 7 days to 2009 & school's starting next friday.
WOW, thats fast.
Hahah, i think god answered my wish ! I'm feeling the christmas season. hohohohhohoho!
the weather's awesome! Its the closest i think we can get to snow in singapore;D
Christmas Caroling really makes a difference to CHRRISTMASSS.
I hope the day goes by slowly & thanks to all those who wished me a A Merry Xmas.
Enjoy&May God Bless!
I wish upon on a star
And trying to believe
That even though it's far
He'll find me Christmas Eve
I guess that Santa's busy
Cause he's never come around
I think of him
When Christmas comes to town
The best time of the year
When everyone comes home
With all this Christmas cheer
It's hard to be alone
Putting up the Christmas tree
With friends who come around
It's so much fun
When Christmas comes to town
Presents for the children
Wrapped in red and green
All the things I've heard about
But never really seen
No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve
Hoping Santa's on his way
When Santa's sleigh bells ring
I listen all around
The herald angels sing
I never hear a sound
And all the dreams of children
Once lost will all be found
That's all I want when Christmas comes to town.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
All kids loves Christmas;The weather has been great recently(except for the long&draggy rains).
I cant believe its Christmas Eve, it just doesnt feel like today.
The weather- is kinda perfect, but theres something missing.
I guess when you get older, the feeling slowly goes away.
Usually its the days before Christmas that makes you get excited& you really feel in the holiday season, but when it gets to christmas- the days before christmas seems better.
I dont feel that Christmas feeling now, im hoping really soon it'll come, dad's done an awesome job setting up the christmas decos- even my tution teacher said that this is the house that has that christmas feeling;
I used to wonder if there's really a Santa,
I used to believe in him,
But now i wonder he could just be a legend.
But i think Christmas was better when children believed in him& are astonished by his story.
Have a blessed&memorable Xmas;
Merrry Smellly Christmas!
Happy Advanced Birthday Lord ;Dcountdown to christmas- 1 day.
its christmas eve afterall!
Believe in what your heart is saying, Hear the melody that's playingThere's no time to waste, There so much to celebrate.Believe in what you feel inside,And give your dreams the wings to fly.You have everything you need, if you just Believe.
Monday, December 22, 2008

'seeing is believing'
Well, its been a long time since i last updated; been too lazzzyy.
The last training of the year - Last Thursday, 18 december 08; training was awesome.
We played badminton-like games & relays which was ultra scary&fun. The forfeits was super funny. okay, so we joined axt - [ah xiang team] because you xiang was the 'ringleader' .
Anyway, last night watched 'Polar Express' till 1am. To those who haven't watched the show, hurry, grab your copy now!
Its one of the best Christmas show; its a rather old animated show-2004, but its still awesome.
I love the songs(esp the soundtrack)
Guess how i knew about the show ? Well, in 2004 my family went to Sydney & part of the tour package deal was to choose a 3-D show. My parent didn't know what show it was so they picked the longest show to make it worthwhile-smart aye ?So we watched the show in 3-D which was super duper.
& since then, we've been watching it almost every year, but still, I'm not sick of it.
Best to watch it at night, hurrrryy go get your copy now!
countdown to christmas - 3 days.
Children, sleeping
Snow is softly falling
Dreams are calling
Like bells in the distance
We were dreamers
Not so long ago
But one by one,
we all had to grow up.
Saturday, December 13, 2008

He's got my mind clouded.
Damn, my cousin said that twilight was a total disappointment, and she meant the show, definitely not the book. she watched it yesterday(sneak preview).
She said The director screwed the whole thing up, i guess she didnt managed to bring out those many pages of the book into a few hours screening ?
Well, my cousin may have very high expectations of the show too.
But i think its because the director lacks experience ?
I've been waiting for this for a long long time, twilight was my favourite among the 4 books;x
I'm still going to watch it i guess, with no high hopes.
My cousin;s only complaint about Kristen that she was too pretty for the role, thats a good complaint i guess;x i know that shes supposed to be ordinary but it shows that shes pretty when she attracted mike, eric and tyler right, oh yeah. JACOB BLACK;D
damndamn, i realised that its not just me but many are hoping that Steven Strait would be Jacob in the New Moon & Most Impt.- Eclipse!
My Cousin said that Robert was not too good at the beginning of the show but he did better when he progressed. The only good scene that my cousin said was the baseball scene, well, i guess the next director would do a much better job with it, everything was good - the soundtrack; decode my favourite, the casts- only nicky reed wasnt suited for rosalie because nicky looked much better in her brunette hair and she was not the world's most beautiful person.. everything except the most one thing - more experienced director.
But Im still going to watch, Im a BIGG Twilight Fan Remember ? If i dont watch, i wont be contented, i think ill rate the show for myself;D
I hope its still better than expected!
Say my name, and his in the same breath,
I Dare you to say they taste the same,
Let the leaves fall off in the summer
And let December glow in flames
Thursday, December 11, 2008
7 days & 7 nights of wonder.went back to training on wednesday, it felt great to be back, but tiring too;x
we have a friendly at coral next week; team & indi events; but my main piority is to rest my legs!
darn, today we had a relay, & i had to do 5 forfeits, from starjumps to duck walk to herpies to what seemed like 'scorpion' which i used to do in my pri school, the worst was frog jumps ;c
but ohso- tough and strong legs TRUDY, or i meant STRUDY opps, STURDY; finished it so fast!
& before physical, we had to do a drill which we had to squat and receive the shot than ms tan threw; damn it was tiring;x
i want to get back to the old days;No sir, well I don't wanna be the blame, not anymore.It's your turn, to take a seat we're settling the final score.And why do we like to hurt, so much?
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

we'll write a song that turns up the light;
hohoho; im back!
did anyone miss me ? i bet loads of you guys did!
anyway; didn't do much shopping because my stomach was super bad, i think its because i drank some milk provided at the breakfast buffet. for all i know, it might contain melamie;x
ohyeah; i bought a new converse shoe, my old one is wearing out ;D & i think im coming down with a flu, been sniffing all morning.
oh; before i forget; those playing in the kason and csc tournament - goodluck & all the best!
i havent started on my homework yet, actually, i forgotten whats my homework xD , i dont even know what my textbook looks like even though i bought it already;D
schools starting soon but im not ready.
Soft kiss and wine what a pretty friend of mine
We're finally intertwined
Don't waste your time
Speed up your breathing
Just close your eyes
We'll hope it's not for nothing at all
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

sometimes i wish there was a pause button to stop life, that may be just the way to appreciate it.
90th post ; 2nd december 2008.
wow, i created in middle of may and i've reached the 90th post ? no much longer till i reach the golden '100' ;D
these days have been listening all time low(thnks zanne for introducing them to me;D), paramore & we the kings 's songs;x , damn they are awesome!
will be going for a short holiday at kl, so im not sure whether ill be posting regularly, but ill be bringing the laptop ;x , so i guess is shopping, and more shopping ?
`zanne told me twilight was NC16. wth, thats super damn stupid. i mean i only thought breaking dawn would be NC16 , and by the time they produced breaking dawn, we would be 16 !
okay, i havent packed my luggage yet, so
I dreamt I was missing
You were so scared
But no one would listen'
Cause no one else cared
After my dreaming
I woke with this fear
What am I leaving?
When I'm done here?
So if you're asking me
I want you to know