The more we change; the more we're all the same
Back to school.
Well, usually I'll dread it, but March Holidays wasn't different at all.
Went Back to School EVERYDAY from morning to evening.
I guess that really means School is the 'second home' ;X
Anyway, today Ms Tan was not feeling well so she did not come for training -Get well soon!
Training was boring I have to say. Everyone thought training would be cool w/o a coach, but definitely NOT. Its so boring.
Tournament's approaching & for the others, SYF. Goodluck;D
I don't think I really have anything to blog about so i guess I'll End here.
Ohyeah, a joke mann -
Trudy : ''Everything that comes out of your mouth is SICK''
Me: TRUDY! [ HAHAH, that means trudy's sick mann! ;]
Trudy: Looks dejectedly and says- ' When Will I ever Win ???'
hahahahha, ohyeah, she said she shrunk & i grew taller -so i guessed that i'm one head taller than her.
Take me under Your wing tonight
Make me so perfect in Your eyes
Hold on cause it will be alright
You're not alone
Please help me get from worse to better
Before these tears soak through this lonely sweater
And let me know that I'm alright
I still have one strike of this match left
And I'm holding on to my last breath
And its getting a little dark around to see here