` If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it.
Sports day.
Instead of doing revision for factual recount test tomorrow, i'm slacking -like usual.
Elicia, wow, 2nd ?
Thats not easy, goodjob. I saw the spirit in the eyes, the determination to win.
Really good, and congratulations.
It was fine, did better than i expected.
Really thought i would get last , but i came in 4th or 5th, it was a close call.
Thanks for the support 2/7.
Melissa, congrats.
Hope you're better now, it was really freaky when you started vomitting after the race.
You did a good job tooo :D
You did really well, we might not have win, but i could see the determination in all of you.
Don't blame yourself for slowing down or anything.
Right, we might not have won a medal, but the teamwork&determination you see your team mates putting in is prize-less [not price-less] :D
There's always another chance, and if we have it, we're coming back faster, tougher and better !
Debbie, Gloria, Elicia, Ruth.
Heyy, dont be disapointed or anything, although I didnt manage to catch the starting part, I saw the last part.
You did your very best, you were so determined in catching up.
Its not about the points or positions, it's whether you enjoyed the run.
Winning is not everything.
Kellykellykelly, hohoho, statue of liberty, USA.
Congrats, 1ST! YEAHH, our plan to wrap kelly worked.
Thanks desi for giving us the idea, gloria for wrapping the cloth so nicely around kelly [ I bet you had a tough time, kelly can never keep still xD ]
Thank you sabrina for wrapping the books and bringing the torch.
Thank you emma for making the torch so lovely.
Thank you kelly for being so sporting to be the mascot.
We didnt win any positions in this, I'm sorry its done last minute.
Anyway, its great to see the class working together to do a project.
Its quite rare to see the class, as one, completing something together.
Thank you for co-operating, thank you for staying back and doing the banner.
Hohoho guys, I hope you had fun, every one of you.
See, although we did not win, muriel said it was fun.
I'm glad you did, we didnt have to win, it was the team spirit and
it was a great chance to bond.
You had fun, thats what mattered.
Hey, don't be disapointed about the results.
2nd isnt bad, well think of it, 2nd out of 8 classes.
WOW. I know you wanted this win badly, for your efforts, your hardwork, for the class and yourselves.
Being in this cheerleading team has never been easy, it gets really difficult when everyone wants to do their own stuff. But you guys are AWESOME, you give suggestions so readily and I can see the teamwork between you guys. I saw many things in each and everyone that I never noticed before.
Safiah - Hey, I really must respect you.
See-ing you strut your stuff just now infront of so many people was not easy,
You pulled it off plus you teached us moves and stuff, you're talented.
There must be a dancing genes in your homones i bet :D
Thank you Safiah. You Rock.
Nicole- Woah, you were awesome there too.
The choreographing was never easy, but you never gave up.
Thank you Nicole. You Rock.
Debbie- Without a gymnast in cheerleading, we would never be able to pull the stunts off.
Look how everyone cheered when you did the handstand, the bridge,cartwheels, and the list goes on and on and on.
Thank You Debbie. You Rock.
Lianne- PEE, look at the split you done. It was greaattt.
Have more confidence in yourself okay, you're great. It was really fun doing the pyramid in the 2nd layer with you ;D
Thank you Lianne. You Rock.
Kelly - Hey, you were great in catching amalina, when sabrina stood on us, you were a stable building block. You were so scared that you made mistakes, but you know that when we when down the line and did the 'TK' thing, i could sense the confidence in your eyes.
Thank you Kelly. You Rock.
Amy- Amy, the voice of the cheerleading. Just the volume your voice can go is like- WOAH.
Great leading in the cheers just now, i could see you're shouting with all your might.
You gave it the best shot, and thats what matters.
Thank you Amy. You Rock.
Amalina - Woah, it was really brave of you to fall back that way, if it was me, i'll never would have done that. You left your life in the hands of your classmates which showed you had total trust in them.
Thats a true example of a team player.
Thank you Amalina. You Rock.
Jessica - SHISHI, awesome. I remembered when I had an empty spot, you signed up w/o hesitation. You're so enthusiatic about this, its really good and I could see you giving your all.
Thank You Jessica. You Rock.
Sabrina - Hey, even though you were sick, you made it down for this.
Hope you're feeling better :D Rest well, thank you for making it here. You gave your all too.
Thank you Sabrina. You Rock.
Juliette- Uhh-huh. Here's the one who composed the class-cheer, the steps for it, the one who put the whole class cheer together.
Thank you for sacrificing your time to do the cheer,the steps.
You were giving many suggestions, its really good to be so enthuu:D
Thank You Juliette. You Rock.
I'm proud to be in this cheerleading squad.
I'm even prouder to be in 2/7.
Although we did not win overall,
You guys are always the winners in my eyes:D