'You came into my life and I thought 'Hey' you know this could be something. 'And yes, you became my retarded bud- there was no shame in doing weird stuff with you. I know everyone has to move on, and instead of moping around, I wish you All the Best. You'll always be the ball goddess and I, the bunny hopper. You'll always be BSSSSSP and I, Muffin. And most importantly, you'll always be my retarded, macho and closest buddy from orientation. All the best SarahTingSieHie, thanks for making my life awesome from ORIENTATION 2008, old friend. I'll never forget those silly moments [Esp. the bridge game, where our we kept breaking the masking tape and we had to reuse those broken ones cause there wasn't any left. Or when you simply switched umbrella with me cause mine had problems opening and in the end, you had problems opening yours -.-] Ahah. There's simply too many to list. I know you'll do great in the future. Keep in contact. All the best.
Love, John Trovolta/Bunny hopper/Muffin. 210510